Friday, May 22, 2015


didn't book the Inca Trail on time so did the Salkantay trek instead to Machu Picchu

day 1 we hiked up to a beautiful laguna

first camp

found the bluebonnets

day 2

hiked up to the base of Salkantay

our guides son made for the best hiking buddy


day 3

day 4: hiked along the train tracks at the base of machu picchu

then did a closed hike up Putucusi
closed because some of the ladders have been washed away so you have to rock climb up

but totally worth it because at the top was an amazing first view of machu picchu

i was SO excited!

then we spent the last night in aguas calientes before the best and last day in machu picchu
location: around Cusco, Peru

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